Processes within an Enterprise are distributed, complex and often involve collaboration of multiple parties within and outside the organization. To achieve optimal process operations, the Enterprise is facing a constant need for control, management and change of those processes as well as detection and categorization of new ones.
Process Performance System supports companies that want to achieve a higher level of insight into processes efficiency. The system supports environments that utilize process execution across different applications and various internal or external organizational units. Using Data mining technologies, the Process discovery module can detect different process clusters which are then used in process efficiency monitoring. This enables process execution to be shown graphically in real time with corresponding execution metrics. Aggregation of those metrics gives insight into process execution performance, enabling compliance and SLA monitoring with alerting.
PPS overview
Process mining
Process discovery – turn raw and unrelated process log data, collected from different sources into meaningful process metrics with graphical display and analysis.
Business Transaction Visibility
Graphical display of business transaction execution through series of drill down enabled graphs with tree display of technical transaction hierarchy.
Transaction Analysis
Business-oriented search with business or technical attributes for ad-hoc analysis.
Transaction Hierarchy
Multi-level hierarchy of technical transaction with bridge functionality that connects transactions from different applications that have no explicit hierarchy connection.
Business and Technical Context
Transaction attributes and business rule enforcement on data from business or technical context.
Business Rules Validation
Rules application via inspection of transaction data; missing or incompatible values, parameter comparison or data analysis through custom business logic.
Exception Management
Quick identification of erroneous components within process execution with functionality of pre-configured actions execution for recurring errors.
Service Level Agreement
Different performance targets and escalation criteria depending on transaction attributes with ability to engage different recipients based on business or technology context.
Business Transaction Discovery
Calculation of monitoring configuration (hops of a transaction in topology) from process execution with documentation of monitored business processes.
Transaction Performance
Aggregated metrics gives insight into process execution performance with data trends refreshed in near real time.